
This event lets you customize the JavaScript Scheduler grid mouse down behavior.

This is the default setting:

  • Standard mouse down: By default, the mousedown event starts time range selecting (if it is enabled).

  • Shift + mouse down: If a rectangle selection is active (rectangleSelectHandling is set to a value other than "Disabled") and the users hold a Shift key, rectangle selecting is activated.

Related demo:




  • args.action ("None" | "RectangleSelect" | "TimeRangeSelect") - action to be started

  • args.button ("left" | "right") - the active mouse button (since version 2018.4.3438)

  • args.shift (boolean) - status of the Shift key

  • args.ctrl (boolean) - status of the Ctrl key

  • args.meta (boolean) - status of the Meta key

  • args.originalEvent (Event) - the original mousedown event object

  • args.preventDefault() - cancels the action (sets the args.action to "None")