The method makes an HTTP request to the specified URL using POST method. 

The syntax and behavior is inspired by axios.

Declaration[, data[, options]]);


  • data - the POST body; if this is an object, it will be converted to JSON using JSON.stringify(); string is passed as is
  • options.contentType - request body content type (string). Default value is "application/json" (if data is an object) or "text/plain" for other types.
  • options.headers - an object with header values

Return Value

The method returns a promise. If the HTTP response status code is 200, 201, 204 or 304 the promise is resolved, otherwise it is rejected.

The success handler receives an args object as an argument:

  • args.request - XMLHttpRequest object used for making the request
  • - event data received from the server, converted from JSON to object using JSON.parse()

The error handler receives an args object as an argument:

  • args.request - XMLHttpRequest object used for making the request


const data = {
  name: "John"
const {data: result} = await"/createUser", data);
console.log("result", result);