DayPilot.Area Properties

  • action ("None""ContextMenu""HoverMenu""ResizeEnd""ResizeStart""Move""Bubble") - default action (see below)

  • backColor (string) - background color

  • border (object) - object with border specification (e.g. {top: true, bottom: true}); if not specified, all borders will be displayed (requires borderColor to be set); available since 2025.1.6393

  • borderColor (string) - if specified, borders with the specified color will be rendered (you can exclude certain borders using border) ; available since 2025.1.6393

  • borderRadius (number | string) - border radius (string in CSS format or number that will be translated to a pixel value); available since 2024.3.6157

  • bottom (number | string) - distance from bottom: number in pixels or string in CSS format

  • bubble (DayPilot.Bubble object) - bubble that will be displayed on hover; if the bubble property is not specified and the action is set to "Bubble", the source object default bubble will be used

  • cssClass (string) - CSS class name

  • end (DayPilot.Date object or date/time ISO string; will be translated to right/width [Scheduler] or bottom/width [Calendar] - see below)

  • fontColor (string) - foreground color (applies to SVG symbols as well)

  • height (number | string) - hight: number in pixels or string in CSS format

  • horizontalAlignment ("center" | "left" | "right")

  • html (string) - HTML content (this raw value will not be HTML-encoded)

  • icon (string) - font icon CSS class, supports Font Awesome and similar font icons

  • id (string | number) - area id, optional

  • image (string) - image URL - SVG, PNG, JPEG formats are supported

  • left (number | string) - distance from left: number in pixels or string in CSS format

  • menu (DayPilot.Menu object) - context menu to be displayed on click when action === "ContextMenu"

  • nonFloating (boolean) - pixel-positioned active areas can be made non-floating by setting nonFloating to true (Scheduler only; since 2022.4.5448)

  • offsetX (number) - shifts the horizontal position by the specified number of pixels; useful when the position is specified using start/end (Scheduler only; since 2020.3.4659)

  • onClick (function) - event handler to be executed on click

  • onClicked (function) - event handler to be executed on click, after the default action

  • onMouseEnter (function) - event handler to be executed when mouse cursors enters the area

  • onMouseLeave (function) -event handler to be executed when mouse cursors leaves the area 

  • padding (number) - padding in pixels

  • right (number | string) - distance from right: number in pixels or string in CSS format

  • start (DayPilot.Date object or date/time ISO string) - this value will be translated to left (Scheduler) or top (Calendar) - see below

  • style (string) - custom CSS

  • symbol (string) - SVG symbol path (e.g. "daypilot.svg#minichevron-right-2")

  • text (string) - text content; this value will be HTML-encoded

  • toolTip (string) - built-in tooltip (translates to title attribute)

  • top (number | string) - distance from top: number in pixels or string in CSS format

  • verticalAlignment ("center" | "top" | "bottom")

  • visibility ("Hover" | "Visible" | "TouchVisible") - area visibility (see below)

  • width (number | string) - width: number in pixels or string in CSS format


The values of width, height, top, left, right, bottom properties are translated to CSS styles of the same name. You should only use combinations that make sense (i.e. don't specify all of them).

Since version 2023.1.5533, these properties accept a string value in CSS format, including calculated values like "calc(90% - 1px)". If you use a number, it will be treated as pixels.

In selected Calendar object (events) and Scheduler objects (events, grid cells, time headers) it is possible to specify the start and end (DayPilot.Date value) instead of left/right/width.

Possible combinations (Scheduler):

  • start + end

  • start + width

  • width + end

  • end (browser only, not supported during image export)

  • start (browser only, not supported during image export)


  • "Default" - no action, the click event will bubble to the parent element (this named value is available since 2020.1.4283 as an equivalent of undefined value)

  • "None" - no action, the click event will not bubble to the parent element

  • "JavaScript" - custom JavaScript specified using "js" property is fired on click/tap (works on touch devices) - this is a legacy value used in ASP.NET WebForms and ASP.NET MVC versions

  • "ContextMenu" - opens a context menu on click/tap (works also on touch devices)

  • "HoverMenu" - opens a context menu on mouse hover

  • "ResizeEnd" - immediately starts resizing the event using its end (works also on touch devices)

  • "ResizeStart" - immediately starts resizing the event using its start (works also on touch devices)

  • "Move" - immediately start moving the event (works also on touch devices)

  • "Bubble" - opens an event bubble on mouse hover


Since version 2024.2.5957, the bubble will always show on hover if the bubble property is specified. That means you can combine a hover bubble with another action type.

Click Events

The onClick and onClicked event handlers receive an args parameter with the following structure:

  • args.area - the original area object

  • args.source - source object (e.g. DayPilot.Event for event active areas)

  • args.originalEvent - original click event object (MouseEvent)

  • args.preventDefault() - in onClick, this method cancels the default action specified using the action property (applicable to "ContextMenu", "ResizeStart", "ResizeEnd", "Move")

Hover Events

The onMouseEnter and onMouseLeave event handlers receive an args parameter with the following structure:

  • args.area - the original area object

  • args.source - source object (e.g. DayPilot.Event for event active areas)

  • args.originalEvent - original click event object (MouseEvent)


Three visibility values are supported:

  • "Hover" - the active area will only be visible when you hover the source object (e.g. an event)

  • "Visible" - always visible

  • "TouchVisible" - behaves as "Hover" on desktop and "Visible" on touch devices

Images and Icons

It is possible to display an image in the active area using one of the following properties:

  • icon - set a custom CSS class that defines a font icon (e.g. Font Awesome)

  • image - URL of an image that will be inserted using an <img> tag

  • symbol - URL of a SVG symbol that will be inserted using a <use> SVG tag

Only one of these properties can be specified. If text or html properties are specified, the image will not be displayed.

Export to Image

The client-side image export supports the following content properties:

  • image

  • icon

  • symbol

  • text/html

If both text and html are specified, text is used during export.

The export also supports selected appearance properties:

  • backColor

  • fontColor

  • horizontalAligment

  • padding

  • verticalAlignment

See also JavaScript Scheduler: How to Export HTML to Image tutorial.

XSS Protection

Since version 2020.4.4701, the text property value is always HTML-escaped.

Please note that if both html and text are specified, html will be used.


This example creates a new event with a 40x40 active area in the upper-right corner that will become visible on hover and open an alert box on click.

const event = new DayPilot.Event({
  start: "2025-01-01T00:00:00",
  end: "2025-01-02T00:00:00",
  id: 1,
  text: "Event 1",
  areas: [
      width: 40,
      height: 40,
      right: 0,
      top: 0,
      visibility: "Hover",
      onClick: (args) => { DayPilot.Modal.alert('Event clicked: ' +; }

See also